
Your Oral Health Is In Your Hands

Oral care can be easily referred to as to taking care of your mouth and teeth. Some people would say that it mainly consists of brushing, rinsing with mouthwash, and flossing. But there’s more to it than that. We gathered some important tips so that you can maximize your oral care.

5 tips to have whiter teeth
5 tips to have whiter teeth

5 tips to have whiter teeth Scientist Andrew Newberg says that a smile is “the symbol that was rated with the highest positive emotional content”. It is such a mindless activity that sometimes we don’t even see it coming. We smile when our co-workers crack a joke after a long day at the office. We smile when…

10 Things Your Dentist Knows Just by Looking at Your Mouth
10 Things Your Dentist Knows Just by Looking at Your Mouth

10 Things Your Dentist Knows Just by Looking at Your Mouth 1. Pregnant alert! Most pregnant women are amazed by how their general dentist can determine that they are pregnant by just assessing their mouth. This is not entirely a magic trick. Most pregnant women develop inflamed gums or gingivitis during the course of their pregnancy….

Why your gums bleed when you brush your teeth
Why your gums bleed when you brush your teeth

Why your gums bleed when you brush your teeth   We have various concerns when it comes to our oral and dental health, and one of the most common among them is gum bleeding.  It can be very uncomfortable when you’re brushing you teeth, and all of the sudden you see blood drops on the…

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?
How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?   Brushing your teeth has been ingrained to our system from waking up in the morning and right before sleep. Research shows that brushing can prevent cavities, gingivitis, and gum disease. But just as important as brushing, it is also essential to make sure that you’re equipped with…

4 Foods that Stain Your Teeth

4 Foods that Stain Your Teeth A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. But how about a white smile? Throughout the years, certain foods and drinks can damage and stain our teeth, creating a big impact on our oral health. But to have a whiter smile, maintaining ‘good’ oral health may not be enough. Sometimes,…

To Bridge or To Implant—That is The Question!

When a patient presents with a missing tooth, the best two options are usually a bridge or an implant. A bridge is when you use the teeth next to the missing tooth to support a prosthetic tooth. A bridge is essentially three crowns fused together and it is permanently cemented—it is not a removable device….

Whitening, Veneers, Braces, and Crowns, Oh My!

So you have a big life event coming up and you want your choppers to look their best. What do you do? Well, like all doctors will say, “it depends.” Let’s say that you have straight teeth but you’re not happy with their color. If that’s the case, then you probably want to try whitening…

Root Canals are My Friend!

So your dentist just told you that you need a root canal, and all you can think about is that guy from the Charles Dickens movie with the white piece of cloth wrapped around the top of his head and under his chin (Did that actually help with the pain?) Or in my case, I picture…

Why Do I Need a Deep Cleaning?

Why Do I Need a Deep Cleaning? I’ve heard it a thousand times: “Doc, I don’t want a deep cleaning; just give me the regular one.” If you have ever been told that you needed a deep cleaning, you’ve probably said (or at least thought) the same thing. So what exactly is a deep cleaning?…