Bad breath can bring down a person’s self-esteem; you would definitely feel embarrassed if the person you’re talking to covers their nose while you speak. If you are someone who is suffering from this, read out blog to learn the causes of what breath and what you can do about it.
Bad breath is primarily caused by germs and food particles that are trapped in your oral cavity. These germs are responsible for producing unpleasant smell.
Poor Oral Health Care
Chronic bad breath boils down to poor oral health care. When germs gather in your dental plaque, volatile sulphur compounds (vsc) are formed. These are attached to the teeth and gums. VSC is made of methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide, and other sulfide elements that trigger the foul gas. Oral appliances like dentures and retainers can also produce foul gas that amplifies the overall odor.
Good Advice:
Brush your teeth and floss at least twice a day. Good oral care can eliminate all germs and food particles stored in your mouth. Brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue because the tongue is mainly responsible for germ proliferation. At the end, use mouthwash for additional protection.
Infection in the mouth could lead to the growth of bacteria. Various bacteria will attack the teeth, gums and bones surrounding the oral tissues and they all vary in scent. When combined, they emit a bad smell and can sometimes cause an alteration of your sense of taste. These gases are automatically released when you open your mouth, and they are stuck inside when your mouth is closed.
Good Advice:
To overcome this problem, perform regular dental treatment. Aside from treating your bad breath, doing this could also prevent you from acquiring other dental issues such as tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Food You Eat
Many are not aware of this so this is a good time to remind you that the food you eat can also cause bad breath. Certain foods emit a scent that when processed by the body through digestion can produce bad odor. These foods include onions, garlic and spicy foods.
Good Advice:
You can eliminate the smell by using breath fresheners like mints and sugar-free gums. Breath fresheners mask the odor of food without affecting oral tissues and teeth. If possible, avoid eating too much of these kind of foods.
Medical Issues
Xerostomia is commonly known as dry mouth. It results from insufficient saliva production. You temporarily experience xerostomia when you are nervous or dehydrated. You’ll have bad breath when dry mouth occurs because there’s not enough saliva to clean the acid build up and germs from the mouth. There are medical issues that can affect salivary function–advanced age being one of them. All of us experience dry mouth and funky breath when we wake up in the morning, but this is usually solved with a glass of water.
Stomach conditions like acid reflux, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and gas can also influence bad breath. These conditions can produce a bad taste and smell in your mouth.
Good Advice:
For medical conditions, consult your primary physician for treatment, but a dentist can be the first doctor to evaluate and diagnose your symptoms.
Take good care of your oral health, and remember that your oral health is in your hands. It’s important to keep your mouth healthy to gain more confidence at school, home, and work.